Spring Cleaning

This time of year can be challenging for people to maintain a sense of vitality and enthusiasm. Hopefully, you can feel a lift from the extra daylight and natural Vitamin D source that come along with more snow days! Welcome to Spring- a time to rejuvenate.

Just like bears hibernate and the flowers to come have lain dormant, we also can use this time to plant seeds for our health. Nourishment. Detoxification. Reflection. Radical Self Care.

Consider taking one month to make one positive change that will effect your future health and well-being!

  • Gentle Detox- try our Pascoe homeopathic drops, simply added to water three times/day

  • Castor Oil Packs

  • Eliminate sugar, caffeine, alcohol, dairy or gluten for one month

  • Get out in Nature- get as much natural light as possible, connecting to Earth and seasons

  • Restoration- focus on Sleep Hygiene with regular sleep/wake cycles, eliminate electronic devices later in the day, create a sleep sanctuary, read an inspiring book

  • Gratitude Journal- list 10 things you’re grateful for each day

  • Begin an exercise program that excites you!

These investments in your health will reap great benefits! Let us know how we can help you get there!